Small Amount of Diesel in Your AdBlue Tank

Diesel and AdBlue work differently for different vehicle engines and their replacement can be awful for both such as diesel in an AdBlue tank or AdBlue in diesel. However, many drivers unconsciously fill their AdBlue tank with the wrong fuel and this mistake leads to severe engine damage and sometimes significant financial loss. This guide will help you know what happens when you put even a small amount of diesel in AdBlue tank and what consequences occur during diesel contamination. This will also highlight what you need to do if you put diesel in your AdBlue tank.

Difference Between AdBlue & Diesel

a.     AdBlue:

AdBlue is a solution based on urea and deionized water and is used in the latest diesel engines to reduce the toxin emission of nitrogen that badly affects the environment. Being a modern technology, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, ensure the reduction of emissions making the vehicles environmentally friendly.

b.     Diesel:

On the other hand, diesel is a crude oil-based fuel used to power diesel engines. The thicker property of diesel fuel offers immense power which is appropriate for heavy vehicles and helps them run smoothly.

Consequences of a Small Amount of Diesel in Your AdBlue Tank?

No doubt, misfuelling happens mistakenly, however, the consequences appear in the form of a big loss.  Putting diesel in AdBlue tank is a common error no matter the small amount, but results in severe engine damage. A few consequences of wrong-fueling are mentioned below that can indicate the intensity of the misfuelling:

I.  AdBlue Contamination:

Even a small amount of diesel in the AdBlue tank can destroy a car’s engine. AdBlue contains 67% deionized water and when there is diesel in the AdBlue tank, it contaminates and reduces the validity of AdBlue by increasing harmful nitrogen emissions.

II.  Fuel System Damage:

Misfuelling becomes the cause of fuel system damage whether the addition of a small amount of AdBlue in diesel tank by mistake or diesel in AdBlue vehicle, both situations lead to considerable loss. The contaminated fuel spreads the engine and creates engine performance issues.

III.  Blocked Filters:

Diesel can cause deposits in the fuel system and block the fuel filter. This reduces the performance of the engine and influences fuel efficiency. A clogged fuel filter also causes the replacement of the whole engine and causes significant financial loss.

IV.  Immediate System Shutdown:

AdBlue and diesel fuel have distinct properties and are designed for specific fuel tanks. When diesel enters the AdBlue tank, the immediate problems come to start especially with Selective Catalytic Reduction preventing its functionality which is crucial for reducing the toxic emissions from the vehicles. Thus, diesel fuel in AdBlue tank can immediately shut down the engine system.

V.  Corrosion of Components:

When diesel meets AdBlue, it causes corrosion and damages the small components. The presence of diesel can not evaporate like water which AdBlue needs and it leaves only oily residues and affects various parts. This contamination causes corrosion of components.

VI. Expensive Repairs:

Misfuelling mistakes not only damage your vehicle but also cause costly repairs. Mixing up diesel with AdBlue causes engine damage and requires a high-cost repair. SCR system has complex components such as AdBlue injectors and the catalytic converter if they are damaged, a costly repair is required to resolve the problem.

What to Do if You Put Diesel in Your AdBlue Tank?

After knowing the misfuelling mistake you need to take a few immediate actions to reduce the intensity of the situation. These considerations also help you get your vehicle back on the road as soon as possible. Let’s read and consider:

Final Thoughts

Adding a small amount of diesel in the AdBlue tank or a small amount of AdBlue in your diesel tank by mistake, both situations are stressful and can put your car’s engine’s stability in danger.  The above-mentioned guide has explored what happens when you add diesel fuel to the AdBlue tank and what actions you need to take to get rid of the panic. To avoid future wrong-fueling mistakes keep an eye on labeling, and fuel pump, and stay focused to prevent the panic.

READ RELATED: Consequences of Adding a Small Amount of Diesel in a Petrol Car


Q1- What happens if I put a small amount of diesel in the AdBlue tank?

A- Putting diesel in an AdBlu tank even a small amount can cause immense engine damage. Diesel contaminates the AdBlue tank reduces its emission performance of nitrogen damages the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)system.

Q2- Can driving with diesel in the AdBlue tank cause engine damage?

A- Certainly, driving with diesel in your Adblue tank can put the stability of your car’s engine in danger. As you start the engine, the mismatched fuel circulates the engine and affects the engine badly.

Q3- What steps should in consider to prevent future misfuelling?

A- To avoid future wrong-fueling mistakes you need to keep an eye on labeling, and the fuel pump, and stay focused while filling the fuel, to prevent the expected engine damage.

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