Petrol In diesel Engines

Putting the AdBlue in Petrol engines is a common yet costly mistake that can cause significant damage to your vehicle. Many drivers, with a moment’s distraction, fill their vehicle’s tank with the wrong fuel such as diesel in a petrol car or vice versa. However, after realizing the misfuelling error, only immediate resolving actions can bring you out of the stressful situation. This guide will help you get to know AdBlue and what happens when you accidentally add AdBlue to the petrol tank. This will also highlight the importance of wrong-fuel rescue services that can help you save your investment from going to waste.

What is AdBlue?  You Need to Know to Save Your Engine

AdBlue is a transparent solution that is a blend of urea and deionized water and is designed for modern vehicles to reduce toxic nitrogen emissions helping to make vehicles more environmentally friendly. However, it is not produced for petrol or diesel engines and can cause damage if it enters the fuel system.

Accidentally Add AdBlue in Petrol Tank: What Happens?

When you add AdBlue in petrol engine, it can cause extreme engine damage as it is not compatible with diesel or petrol engines. Below is an insight into what happens after putting AdBlue in a petrol engine:

·   Cause Engine Contamination:

AdBlue is harmful to plastic, rubber, and especially for metal components.  After mixing with petrol, it creates crystallized deposits that cause engine damage by clogging the injector, filters, and fuel lines. This blocks the fuel system turning your panic into significant financial loss.

·   Engine Failure:

Adding AdBlue to a petrol engine is more than just a mistake. This process can put your vehicle at serious risk as the crystallized form of AdBlue completely shuts down the car’s engine, damaging other components and eventually causing engine failure.

·   Costly Repairs:

Repairs for AdBlue in the fuel tank can cause a significant financial loss because AdBlue affects engine performance badly and the entire fuel system may need to be cleaned. In some severe cases, you have to replace the whole engine which becomes the cause of costly repair.

Signs You’ve Added AdBlue to a Petrol Engine (Notable Indicators)

With the help of a few signs you can guess that you have filled your car tank with the wrong fuel and with quick considerations you can save your investment:

I.    Engine Warning Light:

Your car’s dashboard holds warning lights that indicate misfuelling or engine issues by adding AdBlue in the petrol engine. This indication alerts you that something is wrong with the car engine, and you need to take immediate actions to prevent serious damage.

II.    Loss of Power:

The disaster of your car engine starts after putting in the wrong fuel. The contaminated fuel circulates all parts of the engine and influences the small components. This misfuelling circulation reduces engine power leading to severe damage.

III.    Unusual Sounds:

When you fill your car tank with AdBlue and start the car engine, some unusual sounds are produced which indicates the problem of misfuelling. Thus, you need to stop the engine quickly to prevent significant loss.

AdBlue in Petrol Tank – How to Act Fast

Adding the wrong fuel is nothing new, and many drivers do it unknowingly, but it results in engine damage. So, it is essential to take prompt action. Below is what to do:

·   Do Not Start the Engine:

If you have put AdBlue in a petrol engine, don’t start the engine or if is already started, stop it at once. Starting the engine after misfuelling allows the contaminated fuel to circulate the whole engine and cause engine clogging. This also damages small components of the engine and reduces the engine’s power.

·   Contact Wrong Fuel Rescue Service:

Immediately contact the wrong Fuel in car rescue service to remove the wrong fuel from the petrol tank. The specialized technician will clean the system thoroughly ensuring that the vehicle will run smoothly to prevent any further damage.

·   Consider Professional Help:

After mis-fueling, just wait for professional assistance don’t resolve the issue by yourself. Only professionals can handle the situation. The wrong fueling requires expertise. Self-help can lead to the disaster of your car engine.

Wrong Fuel in Car Rescue Service: Why It’s Essential

 The wrong fuel in car rescue service is essential to the stability of your car engine. The 24/7 availability of these specialized services help reduce your misfuelled panic. Hiring a professional fuel rescue service means your vehicle will be back on the road soon. Here’s why professional assistance is indispensable:

  • Through Wrong Fuel Removal
  • Comprehensive Fuel Flushing
  • Minimize Damage & Costly Repair
  • Improve Engine Performance

Final Thoughts

Putting AdBlue in petrol engines can turn your routine drive into panic as AdBlue is not for petrol engines so its presence in the petrol tank can cause severe engine damage. Although AdBlue contamination in a petrol engine is a serious mistake however, it can be resolved with immediate actions Such as stopping the car engine and contacting to mis fuel assistance service to reduce the intensity of the panic. The professional technicians will drain the wrong fuel, and flushing the system ensuring that the vehicle will soon be back on the road. Consider the above-mentioned guide to avoid this mistake in the future.


Q1- What is AdBlue, and what is it used for?

A- AdBlue is a solution that is based on urea and deionized water. This is designed for modern vehicles to reduce the emission of nitrogen which causes air pollution. It is not a fuel additive so its presence in the fuel tanks can cause engine damage.

Q2- What should I consider after noticing AdBlue in my petrol tank?

A- Dot start the engine or stop it is running, call for misfuelling assistance, and ensure thorough drainage of the wrong fuel to prevent further damage.

Q3- Can I drain the contaminated fuel from the fuel tank?

A- Avoid self-help while draining the AdBlue from the fuel tank. This issue handling requires expert help with specialized tools and improper wrong fuel drainage will increase the panic in terms of engine failure.

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